How to Do Crow Pose in Yoga (Kakasana)

How to Do Crow Pose in Yoga (Kakasana)

Yogis looking to make a foray into arm balances should try their hand(s) at crow pose (Sanskrit name: kakasana). Often conflated with crane pose (bakasana), crow offers many avenues of approach that make it accessible no matter where you are in your yoga practice....
How to Do Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

How to Do Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

Based on the English name, you might think that the chair pose in yoga is as easy as sitting down in your favorite recliner. This pose (utkatasana in Sanskrit) mimics the position of sitting in a chair, but since the chair is missing, you have to rely on the strength...
How to Do Happy Baby Pose in Yoga (Ananda Balasana)

How to Do Happy Baby Pose in Yoga (Ananda Balasana)

Although happy baby pose (ananda balasana in Sanskrit) isn’t a traditional posture in the lexicon of challenging yoga poses, it’s one worth doing at the beginning of your practice and/or the end. Anytime you do anything that has you lying on the floor, you have an...
How to Do Anjaneyasana (Crescent Lunge)

How to Do Anjaneyasana (Crescent Lunge)

Although you might be familiar with doing lunges in your every day workouts, the low lunge or crescent lunge in yoga is slightly more complex. Crescent lunge (or anjaneyasana in Sanskrit) includes both a lunge and a backbend, and as such, it activates your leg...
What Are the 7 Chakras? A Beginner's Guide

What Are the 7 Chakras? A Beginner's Guide

You’ve taken a yoga class or two. While you may not think of yourself as a yogi quite yet, you know the difference between mountain pose and chaturanga. But your instructor keeps tossing around one word that throws you off balance (literally!) every time — chakras....