If You Ever Shower More Than Once A Day, You’re Going To Want To Read This

It’s hot, it’s sticky, you’re sweating—it’s summertime. We can all agree that nothing feels quite as good as taking a shower on a sweltering day. If you’re running around town, you might even opt for more than one rinse throughout the day just to wash off the increased sweat and grime. 

Washing your body more than once per day can potentially dry out your skin; if you’re not mindful of your shower habits, that is. 

How to care for your skin if take more than one shower a day.

These three habits will help you preserve your skin’s moisture, even if you pop in and out of the shower throughout the day.

1. Stick to lukewarm or cool water. 

While this is a good rule of thumb in general, not everyone likes to take a lukewarm shower in the wintertime. On those hot summer days, however, this should be more realistic.

Extra hot showers can dry out the skin, especially if you’re showering more than once a day. What’s more, spending time in the sun can also rob your skin of moisture, making the argument for cool showers in the summertime even stronger. 

2. Don’t drown your body in soap. 

A common misconception is that covering your body with soap from head to toe is the only way to truly cleanse your skin. The truth is that no matter how hydrating your body wash formula may be, washing your skin (especially more than once a day) can lead to dryness. 

If you’re showering more than once a day, you only need to use soap on the parts of your body that actually get dirty or produce an odor. Prioritize your pits, feet, and skin surrounding your intimate areas (you should never clean inside your vagina, as it’s self-cleaning). Water washes away any excess dirt oil on the rest of your body just fine. 

3. Always moisturize after. 

If you only do one of these steps, choose this one: Moisturize after every shower. This seals in the water, replenishes your skin’s lipids, and prevents transepidermal water loss

postbiotic body lotion

postbiotic body lotion

Ultra-hydrating formula that nourishes your skin barrier, available in unscented and neroli

postbiotic body lotion

And while it may be tempting to lounge in your towel for more than a few minutes post-rinse, you should try to apply your lotion ASAP after stepping out. “If you wait too long, you miss that narrow window of opportunity to really trap and seal those nourishing ingredients in the skin before all the water evaporates off the surface, further compromising your skin,” board-certified dermatologist Whitney Bowe, M.D. previously told mbg.

If you’re looking to rinse, moisturize, and be on your way, then you’ll want a product that absorbs quickly. Let us recommend, our go-to for all-day hydration: The mbg postbiotic body lotion

This formula is packed to the brim with ultra-hydrating ingredients that will help replenish the moisture lost from the shower and summer sun, yet fully soaks in within a few minutes so you don’t have to leave the house with a sticky layer on your skin. 

If you live in a hot and sticky climate, a few showers a day may be warranted. If you follow these three shower habits, you’ll reserve the moisture in your skin even with more than one rinse a day. If you do nothing else, remember to apply body lotion after every rinse. If you want to learn more about taking a healthy, microbiome-friendly rinse, check out this story

postbiotic body lotion

postbiotic body lotion

Ultra-hydrating formula that nourishes your skin barrier, available in unscented and neroli

postbiotic body lotion

postbiotic body lotion

Ultra-hydrating formula that nourishes your skin barrier, available in unscented and neroli

postbiotic body lotion


postbiotic body lotion

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