These mouth-watering, crunchy, and smooth nuts are tiny nuggets with numerous health benefits. They make for an amazing snack any time of the day. Peanuts are rich in various micro and macronutrients that are required by our body.

Apart from health and nutrition benefits, peanuts also taste delicious. Also, peanuts are highly affordable as compared to other nuts and are a versatile ingredient for various dishes and snacks.

Table of Contents

Nutrition Value of Peanuts

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),100 grams of raw peanuts contain 567 calories and the following nutrients in grams (g), milligrams (mg), or micrograms (mcg):

Macronutrients protein



25.8 g

16.13 g

8.5 g

4.72 g
Fats monounsaturated fats

polyunsaturated fats

saturated fats
24.43 g

15.56 g

6.28 g
Minerals potassium






705 mg

376 mg

168 mg

92 mg

18 mg

4.58 mg

3.27 mg
Vitamins vitamin B-3 (niacin)

vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)

vitamin B-1 (thiamine)

vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine)

riboflavin (vitamin B-2)

folate (vitamin B-9)
12.07 mg

8.33 mg

0.64 mg

0.35 mg

0.14 mg

240 mcg

Peanuts have 49 grams of fats distributed among saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Trans fats, which are generally considered harmful to the body, are absent in peanuts.

The total carbs in peanuts are around 15% which makes it an ideal protein source even for diabetics. Many essential nutrients such as magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and vitamin E are present in peanuts. In addition, peanuts have different plant compounds or phytonutrients that are required for the healthy functioning of your body.

10 Health Benefits of Peanuts

Peanuts have a plethora of health benefits as discussed below:

1. Healthy Heart

Various studies have proven that eating peanuts decreases the chances of suffering from any kind of heart disease. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, daily consumption of nuts can reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 29%. 

Peanuts contain nutrients that are necessary for having a healthy heart. They have magnesium, and copper, a healthy ratio of unsaturated fats and antioxidants like resveratrol. Peanuts are also rich in monounsaturated fats, protein and fibre that reduce cholesterol levels. These contain amino acids and antioxidants that keep the inner lining of the arteries safe thus protecting against heart conditions like atherosclerosis.

2. Good Source of Proteins

Peanuts are rich in protein content, ranging from 22–30% of their total calories. Protein helps build muscle mass and promotes muscle growth while also supporting bone health. 

Peanut butter added on toast or crackers is a good pre-workout or mid-day snack adding to the total protein.

The requirement of protein, which is necessary for the growth of children, can be fulfilled by peanuts. Good protein intake also helps speed up wound healing. 

3. Helps in Weight Loss

Peanuts can be added in moderation for those looking to lose weight.

The high protein content as well as the healthy unsaturated fats are not only good nutrients for weight loss but also provide high satiety value, thereby preventing one from binge eating. Additionally, protein reduces the level of Ghrelin- the hunger hormone and increases the production of Peptide YY – the hormone responsible for making you feel full. 

4. Makes your Brain Sharper

For a healthy as well as sharper brain, you require nutrients like vitamin B1, niacin, and folate. When you eat peanuts your body is fueled with these nutrients. As a result, your brain becomes more active and sharp. Niacin and Vitamin B1 can also help one keep away age-related cognitive decline and diseases like Alzheimer’s. 

Peanuts are loaded with a bioactive ingredient called resveratrol. Resveratrol improves cognitive abilities and verbal fluency. Polyphenols present in peanuts are known as mood food and also help in psychiatric and cognitive disorders

5. Strong Bones

Ageing causes the weakening of several bones present in our body. Therefore, before your bones start to lose their strength, you should focus on eating healthy food options such as peanuts. It is rich in manganese and phosphorus. These nutrients and other vitamins present in peanuts will keep up the strength of your bones, thereby aiding you at your old age. 

6. Healthy Skin

Peanuts contain resveratrol and monounsaturated fats that not only make the skin clear but even wash away toxins from the body that make the skin appear greasy and dull. Resveratrol further delays the signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots. It is also a proven cure for skin illnesses like Psoriasis and Eczema. 

Studies show that vitamins C and E present in peanuts provide protection against UV rays of the Sun and any subsequent damage. Vitamin C also gives elasticity to the skin making it look younger and brighter. 

7. Improves Vision

When it comes to maintaining eye health, some green leafy vegetables and peanuts are the best food products that can be consumed.

Zinc, present in peanuts, helps the body to transfer vitamin A which is required for clear vision.

Also, vitamin E present in peanuts help in slowing down age-related macular degeneration and cataract formation.  

8. Reduces the Risk of Cancer

Research has shown that eating peanuts can reduce the risk of cancer.

Also peanuts have an excellent amount of protein and vitamin E, so they help in lowering the risk of cancer. It has a good content of resveratrol, which helps in preventing cancer with its antioxidant potential by cutting off blood supply to growing cancer and restraining cancer cell growth.  

9. Diabetic-friendly nuts

Since peanuts have no content of sugar, they are completely safe for diabetic patients. They are rich sources of nutrients and are delicious at the same time.

Research shows that eating peanuts in the morning can keep a check on one’s blood sugar level throughout the day. It may also prevent insulin spikes to an extent when sugary foods are consumed. According to a study by The American Medical Association, regular consumption of peanuts strengthens the body’s natural ability to regulate its insulin levels against type 2 diabetes. 

10. Prevents Gallstone

Around 25% of adults annually suffer from gallstone. This is a disease caused by uncontrolled cholesterol levels. Since peanuts control cholesterol, the risk of gallstones can be reduced by consuming them regularly.

Top 2 Healthy Recipes of Peanuts

#1 Peanut Chaat

Peanut Chaat
  • Peanut- 1 cup
  • Chilli powder- ½ tbsp
  • Salt as per taste
  • Chaat masala- 1 tbsp
  • Turmeric- ½ tsp
  • Onion- ½ cup 
  • Tomato- ¼ cup
  • Corn- ¼ cup
  • Pomegranate- ¼ cup
  • Add one teaspoon of salt and turmeric to 1 cup of peanut. Add 2 cups of water and boil the mixture. 
  • After boiling, drain the leftover water and add ½  tbsp of chilli powder, a pinch of salt, and a 1 tbsp of chaat masala to it. 
  • You can also add chopped onion and tomato to the mixture to make it healthier. Add corn and pomegranate to make your peanut chaat delicious.
  • This can be quickly made and can be eaten as a salad along with your meals.

#2 Peanut Sweet

Peanut Sweet
  • Peanuts- 2 cups
  • Ghee- tbsp
  • Jaggery- 500 grams
  • sesame seeds- 2 tbsp
  • desiccated coconut powder- 2 tbsp
  • cardamom powder- 1 tsp
  • Roast and blend 2 cups of Peanuts. Keep a pan on low flame and add 1 teaspoon ghee and 1 cup of jaggery and keep stirring the mixture for 5 minutes. 
  • Add blended peanut powder to this mixture after it starts to boil. Then add 2 teaspoons of sesame seeds, dry coconut, and cardamom powder to it and keep stirring this mixture on a low flame.
  • Transfer it to a clean bowl, when the mixture stops sticking to the pan, After the mixture is cool, make spherical-shaped ladoos with your hands and serve when completely cool. 


Peanuts are small packets of essential micro and macronutrients. They have a number of health and nutritious benefits. Including peanuts in your diet chart will not only help build muscles but also help you lose weight.

Moreover, this is one nut that can be consumed on a regular basis due to its excellent plant-based source of protein, various vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds. However, being high in fat, this nut is high in calories and should not be eaten in excess.

Peanuts – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Is it healthy to consume peanuts regularly?

A. Peanuts provide many nutritional and health benefits. But, because of the high-fat content, peanuts should not be eaten in excess.

Q. At what time of the day should I eat peanuts?

A. You can have peanuts any time of the day. You can include it as snacks, in salads, soups, gravies and even homemade energy bars.

Q. What effect does peanuts make on your liver?

A. Due to high amounts of unsaturated fats and vitamin E, peanuts are considered good for the liver but make sure to avoid its excess consumption.

Q. Can I eat dishes made from peanuts as my lunch or dinner?

A. Peanuts are one of the most versatile ingredients that can be included in meals to enhance taste and nutritional value. You can include it in soups, salads, rice preparations, gravies and even desserts.

Q. What are the possible side effects of eating peanuts?

A. Peanuts should be avoided by those who have nut allergies. Moreover, its excess consumption may affect overall fat intake and increase anti-nutrient- phytic acid intake too. To avoid this, a balanced diet is key.

Q. Is it good to eat peanuts every day?

A: Yes, eating peanuts every day is very healthy. However, do not consume very large quantities. Limit your consumption to a handful or two tablespoons of peanuts every day. 

Q. How many peanuts should you eat a day?

A: Eating a handful or two tablespoons of peanuts every day is ideal for one’s health. 

Q. Do peanuts make you gain weight?

A: Peanuts do not lead to weight gain if consumed in moderation. Inversely, it can be added to one’s weight loss diet. The high protein content as well as the healthy unsaturated fats are not only good nutrients for weight loss but also provide high satiety value, thereby preventing one from binge eating. Additionally, protein reduces the level of Ghrelin- the hunger hormone and increases the production of Peptide YY – the hormone responsible for making you feel full. 

Q. Can peanuts cause liver damage?

A: Peanuts are rich in antioxidants, unsaturated fats and vitamins that are healthy for the liver and reduce the risk of liver diseases. A moderate amount of peanuts can even help treat liver issues like fatty liver. However, keep in mind to not overeat peanuts as it can cause various health complications. 

Q. Can I eat peanuts at night?

A: Yes, eating peanuts at night or before bed is a great idea. It induces the production of melatonin and helps you get quality sleep. It further suppresses night cravings and thus prevents you from waking up at night for snacking. 

Q. Who should not eat peanuts?

A: Those with a peanut/ nut allergy should avoid eating peanuts and products that contain peanuts.

Q. Are peanuts good for skin?

A: Yes, peanuts are great for your skin. Peanuts contain resveratrol and monounsaturated fats that not only make the skin clear but even wash away toxins from the body that make the skin appear greasy and dull. Resveratrol further delays the signs of ageing like wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots. It is also a proven cure for skin illnesses like Psoriasis and Eczema. 

Studies show that vitamins C and E present in peanuts provide protection against UV rays of the Sun and any subsequent damage. Vitamin C also gives elasticity to the skin making it look younger and brighter. 

Q. What happens if I eat too many peanuts?

A: Uncontrolled consumption of peanuts can be very harmful to health. They contain high amounts of saturated fats which can lead to issues like stroke, heart complications, digestive issues, blood pressure etc. Peanuts are also high in calories and can cause weight gain if consumed in high quantities. 

Q. Can peanuts raise blood sugar?

A: Peanuts have no content of sugar and hence, they are completely safe for diabetics.  Research shows that eating peanuts in the morning can keep a check on one’s blood sugar level throughout the day. It may also prevent insulin spikes to an extent when sugary foods are consumed. According to a study by The American Medical Association, regular consumption of peanuts strengthens the body’s natural ability to regulate its insulin levels against type 2 diabetes. 

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