woman walking with bike

August 26, 2022 — 9:27 AM

When it comes to living a long and healthy life, there are more than just a few factors at play. Diet and exercise may be the first to come to mind, but your supplement routine, genetic makeup, and even sleep can all play into how long your life will be (of course, there are no guarantees, but you get the point.) So which of these components plays the most significant role in longevity? Well, a new study may have the answer.

Genetics vs. physical activity: which is more important?

It’s long been debated whether nature or nurture is more significant in who people eventually become, and the same question can be applied to genetics vs. physical activity in the scope of longevity. However, a new study published in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity just revealed that even in people who were genetically predisposed to a longer life, there was a higher risk of health concerns the more sedentary they were. Conversely, even if it isn’t necessarily in your genetic code to live a long life, this can potentially be adjusted with regular physical activity.

Beginning back in 2012, researchers measured the physical activity of 5,446 women of 63 years and older in the United States. Continuing up until 2020 to track their health and longevity, the participants also wore an accelerometer to measure the time they spent moving, how intense their activity was, and how much time they spent resting or sedentary.

What they found was that even in participants who regularly engaged in light physical activity, their longevity was improved. On the other hand, those who were more sedentary were likely to have a lesser chance of a long life. Most significant? This was true in all women, even those who were genetically predisposed to impressive longevity. 

The good news is that even if you aren’t a huge fan of intense physical activity, walking for just 21 minutes a day may be all it takes to support your overall well-being and a long and healthy life. Really, any little bit helps, regardless of intensity!

Other ways to support longevity.

ultimate multivitamin+

ultimate multivitamin+

Next gen multi formula that supports longevity*

ultimate multivitamin+

No habit can replace good old-fashioned exercise, but there are some that complement it well—namely, a targeted, high-quality multivitamin. If longevity is a priority for you, mbg’s ultimate multivitamin+ delivers a complete range of essential vitamins, minerals, and botanical bioactives that your body needs to thrive (and likely isn’t getting enough of from your diet.)*

In just two vegan capsules, this multivitamin works to support longevity, as well as immune, brain, heart, bone, muscle, beauty, eye, and whole-body health.* Plus, it promotes nutritional sufficiency so you’re actually getting enough of the nutrients you should be consuming daily, and not just a sprinkle.

A well-rounded lifestyle complete with a balanced diet, regular activity, and a solid supplement routine is one of the best ways to support longevity. So even if you’re not necessarily genetically predisposed to a long life, you still have the chance to turn things around though your habits. The science behind the importance of exercise only continues to expand, and this recent study just goes to show that nothing is set in stone with genetics—even how long you’ll live.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.

ultimate multivitamin+

ultimate multivitamin+

Next gen multi formula that supports longevity*

ultimate multivitamin+

ultimate multivitamin+

Next gen multi formula that supports longevity*

ultimate multivitamin+


ultimate multivitamin+

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