4 Healthy Foods That Will Keep You Regular — Plus One Bonus Tip

August 22, 2022 — 19:01 PM

Say what you want, but one of the biggest indicators of a healthy body is a regular poop schedule. Normal bowel movements are essential for keeping your gut in check and clearing out your system, and your diet is one of the most significant determining factors of the quality and regularity of your poop.

There are some foods that do very little to get things moving, but on the other hand, there are some ingredients that are particularly well known for helping evacuate your stool and keeping your gut happy. Whether you’re in need of a little assistance in getting things moving or simply want to tailor your diet to keep your digestion running smoothly (as we all should!), these are the four foods you should make a conscious effort to keep in your eating plan:

Putting a spotlight on fiber in your day-to-day eating habits will make a world of difference in promoting regularity. But under the umbrella of fiber, there are two options: soluble and insoluble. “Soluble fibers add bulk to stool” research specialist in oncology nutrition L.J. Amaral M.S., R.D., CSO, previously told mbg, “and insoluble fiber influences the GI tract and promotes motility.” The good news is that avocado is a great source of insoluble fiber, coming in at 13.5 grams of total dietary fiber, keeping things moving along.

Feeding the bacteria of your gut is an excellent approach for supporting regularity, and there’s nothing that does this quite like fermented foods such as kefir, kimchi, and even kombucha. “Packed with live bacteria, [kefir] helps to colonize the gut and promote regularity,” Amaral previously noted. “Good bacteria aids in the fermentation of carbohydrates and other foods to promote health, especially gut health.” 

Whether you’re a fan of overnight oats or prefer your oatmeal warm, oats are one breakfast ingredient that helps promote healthy and regular bowel movements. “Plain, unsweetened oats have about 4 grams of fiber per half-cup,” Leah Silberman, M.S., R.D., previously told mbg. “Plus, oats contain both soluble and insoluble types of fiber, which help to keep you regular.” Noticing a pattern yet?

Ah yes, prunes, perhaps one of the most well-known solutions for getting things moving. It would be wrong to build a list of foods that keep you regular without including this fruit. In fact, functional medicine doctor Elizabeth Boham, M.D., M.S., R.D., notes that she always travels with organic prunes to ensure her bathroom habits stay consistent on vacation. “They’re very high in fiber,” she told mindbodygreen. “Many people need only three to four prunes to have regular bowel movements.” They may not be the most appetizing fruit, but trust us, they work.

Other ways to stay regular.



Four targeted strains to beat bloating and support gut health.*


Thankfully your options aren’t limited when it comes to keeping your gut health in check, and there’s one method that may be especially beneficial for promoting a happy body each and every day: a high-quality probiotic like mbg’s probiotic+. Formulated with four targeted strains specifically selected to promote regularity and abdominal comfort, getting in the habit of taking a probiotic every day is one of the best things you could do for your gut.*

Not to mention, this formula supports abdominal comfort and bloat reduction, so in combination with an intentional diet, you’ll be doing a world of good for your body.*

There are a range of factors that determine the ease of your bowel movements, but tailoring your eating habits to support your goals and internal health is one way to ensure you’re doing everything you can to stay healthy. With these four foods and a daily probiotic, your gut health will be one less thing you have to worry about.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.



Four targeted strains to beat bloating and support gut health.*



Four targeted strains to beat bloating and support gut health.*




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