10 Health Myths to Stop Believing Now

10 Health Myths to Stop Believing Now

“Truthiness,” a word coined by comedian and talk show host Stephen Colbert, refers to the quality of a statement seeming like it’s true, even if there are no facts to back it up. And when it comes to staying healthy and losing weight, there’s a whole lot of “truthy”...
10 Things You Don’t Know About Petra Kolber

10 Things You Don’t Know About Petra Kolber

We asked Petra Kolber, VP of Personal Development and Mindset at BODi, to answer 10 questions to help you get to know her better.   She’s a dancer, choreographer, writer, author of The Perfection Detox, global workshop leader, keynote speaker, and a Positive...
Ignite Your Spark With Mindset on BODi

Ignite Your Spark With Mindset on BODi

If you’ve ever taken a deep breath before jumping into a difficult task, struck a power pose before an important meeting, or jotted down three things you’re grateful for before sleep, then you already know. You know that a positive mindset can make all the difference...