How to Do Locust Pose in Yoga (Salabhasana)

How to Do Locust Pose in Yoga (Salabhasana)

Locust pose, or salabhasana, is a belly-down, or prone, yoga posture that stretches your chest, shoulders, and spine. It’s also a backbend that’s suitable for beginners. “Locust pose improves strength and flexibility, and it is thought to reduce the effects of...
Why You Should Do Yoga on Your Recovery Day

Why You Should Do Yoga on Your Recovery Day

So, you’ve got your workout routine down to a science: strength training three days a week, cardio twice, mobility work during Netflix binges. You’re killing it. But as a wise trainer once said, a workout is only as good as your capacity to recover from it. If you hit...
Can You Improve Sleep With Yoga Nidra?

Can You Improve Sleep With Yoga Nidra?

Want to crush it at the gym, in the office, and at home? Start with a good night’s sleep. Rest is crucial for overall health and well-being at all stages of life. With one in three adults reporting “poor” or “fair” sleep, many are exploring yoga nidra to have more...
8 Yoga Backbends to Stretch and Strengthen Your Spine

8 Yoga Backbends to Stretch and Strengthen Your Spine

When you first learn how to do a backbend, you’ll almost immediately feel its benefits on your body, like the relief in the muscles around your spine. But as you progress into deeper, more challenging poses, they can also build more confidence to help you lean out of...