By Krati Mehrambg ContributorKrati Mehra is an empowerment coach, host of Experible podcast, speaker, and writer. She has a Masters from University College London and a Bachelors in Psychology from Panjab University.Image by Alberto Bogo / StocksyOctober 28, 2023We...


Author: Expert reviewer: October 28, 2023Commerce WriterBy Jillian AngeliniCommerce WriterJillian Angelini is a Brooklyn-based freelance writer, communications consultant, and sex educator in training. Her work appears in Bustle, Betches Media, and Reflect Beauty,...


mbg Spirituality & Relationships EditorBy Sarah Reganmbg Spirituality & Relationships EditorSarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication...


mbg Spirituality & Relationships EditorBy Sarah Reganmbg Spirituality & Relationships EditorSarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor’s in broadcasting and mass communication...


October 19, 2023We carefully vet all products and services featured on mindbodygreen using our commerce guidelines.Our selections are never influenced by the commissions earned from our links.As a child, I would dread the houses that opted for healthier trick-or-treat...